Saturday, January 07, 2006

From the Beginning

Bill and I are excitedly awaiting word on when we will travel to Ukraine to adopt a set of siblings. We started trying to have our own children several years ago without success. We decided we would look into adoption. I spent the summer of 2004 researching international adoption. We discovered a group called Ukrainian Angels through a coworker of Bill's. I spoke with many people who had used this group and we decided that this would be how we would build our family.

We started the adoption paperchase in September 2004. By March 2005, our dossier (all of the adoption documents) was complete and ready to be sent to Ukraine. Our dossier was received by our first team on March 24. After much waiting and frustration, we switched our team in July. This turned out to be a good thing. In August, our dossiers were finally submitted to the NAC. On September 12, we were notified that our dossiers were registered! Finally, some good news:) In October, we received our first official letter from the NAC. It basically stated that we were registered and approved and that we should request an appointment for 2006.

There are currently many changes happening in Ukraine with the adoption system. We are waiting patiently and know that we will be in Ukraine at the right time to find our little angels:) We'll add more when we hear from the NAC and our facilitator.

Bill & Kelly Woods


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