Day 4 in Donetsk
We got the grand tour by the director yesterday. This orphanage is AMAZING! It could easily pass as a daycare in the US. Our translator has said that it is the nicest one she's ever seen. The director seems like a woman who cares about the children very much. There are four "classes," called "grupas," in which children of similar age play, eat and sleep together. Each class has a closet room, where each child has their own locker. There is a play room, with cabinets bursting with toys. We were probably most impressed with the bathrooms, which were very cute. Both the sinks and toilets were green and shaped like frogs, miniaturized for the shorties. There was also a small auditorium of sorts, with a stage and (believe or not, folks) a chandelier! Overall, everything was very clean and neat and tidy. The whole building is in the process of being updated with new modern vinyl windows. This orphanage appears to be the life's work of the director, and you can tell she is very well liked, because the children run up to her when she enters the room.
You would think that these kids would be very selfish, but quite the opposite is the truth. They all share as much as possible! When we first met the director, she got out some candy for the boys; yesterday the little one remembered where she got it and asked the director for more when we were in her office. He got a small fistful, ran out of the room into the common play room, and gave one piece to each of the other kids! This is normal for all the children; whenever the receive something, they share it with the others.
The older boy made us very happy when he asked us for pictures of us to show off to his classmates. Then, this morning, the younger one asked for one as well. He gave it to his caregiver, who placed it on a shelf for all to see. The younger one really is getting attached to us. He cried a lot when we left, hugged my leg and wouldn't let go, repeating "Papa, Papa!"
I had my first lesson in going potty yesterday (not me, I'm an old pro--with the kids I mean). The little one was doing the "gotta go!" dance, so I took him to the bathroom. It occurred to me on the way that I had no idea if he was potty trained or not, but (thank god) he knew what he was doing! Whew!
The older one wanted me to go outside with him today, so we had fun. Of course, the caregivers insisted on him putting on two layers of winter wear, first.
Kelly and I are being cautious, and do not want to share names or pictures until it seems likely that the children will be ours. The two major hurdles that remain are getting through court (in which a jury has to approve us), and making it through the 10 day wait period, set aside for anyone to appeal the court's decision. Please everyone bear with us during this time.
Peace and Love,
Bill and Kelly
Kelly, your extended family is pulling for you. Hang in there. You and Bill are truly inspiring.
We just wanted to say that we miss you very much. We think your adventures are exciting. William is counting down the days until you come back and he is happy for you. I got my mid quarter report and it was good, (atleast that is what my mon and dad say). Ms Hoenicke and Will send their love, hugs and kisses.
Brianna and William
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