Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cat Tale

I have to share this because it's both good and bad. It has nothing to do with our adoption. Our cat is an amazing creature. We've had Jasper for 7 years now. We adopted him from my Grandpa whose barn cat had kittens. I'm a dog lover and cats are just okay. Getting the cat was a compromise with my husband.

Well, we live in an old farmhouse out in the country. Last week, we noticed this awful smell in our bedroom. Something died somewhere in the ceiling space or under the floor. It finally started to fading, but then we started hearing some little critter scurrying around between the first and second floors. Not cool! We had to figure out where it got in and how to get it out. Yesterday, we set up a live trap in the attic with some peanut butter. No luck this morning, but the trap was tripped. We've been doing some remodeling and are getting ready to set up our livingroom again. Well, Bill moved a piece of furniture and found the little headless critter! We couldn't believe it. At some point, our cat managed to catch the squirrel and bring it downstairs without us noticing and hide it in the livingroom. Disgusting!!! We're glad it's gone, however, we had hoped to catch it and set it free.


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