Saturday, October 28, 2006

Early December

We received an email from our facilitator that we will be traveling to Ukraine the first week of December! Bill also called the SDA (State Department of Adoptions)on Friday to find out the status of our appointment. The lady he spoke with was very friendly. She told him that we should call back each week to see if the appointments are ready. They may be ready by November 10. She said we should call because our letter would be mailed around the 10th and our letter might not make it to us in time before our appointment to make travel arrangements. We have 5 weeks to get ready!! We will be more than ready. We have so many family and friends who are willing to help us out that all will be well. We will keep everyone posted as the weeks go by before we travel!!!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cat Tale

I have to share this because it's both good and bad. It has nothing to do with our adoption. Our cat is an amazing creature. We've had Jasper for 7 years now. We adopted him from my Grandpa whose barn cat had kittens. I'm a dog lover and cats are just okay. Getting the cat was a compromise with my husband.

Well, we live in an old farmhouse out in the country. Last week, we noticed this awful smell in our bedroom. Something died somewhere in the ceiling space or under the floor. It finally started to fading, but then we started hearing some little critter scurrying around between the first and second floors. Not cool! We had to figure out where it got in and how to get it out. Yesterday, we set up a live trap in the attic with some peanut butter. No luck this morning, but the trap was tripped. We've been doing some remodeling and are getting ready to set up our livingroom again. Well, Bill moved a piece of furniture and found the little headless critter! We couldn't believe it. At some point, our cat managed to catch the squirrel and bring it downstairs without us noticing and hide it in the livingroom. Disgusting!!! We're glad it's gone, however, we had hoped to catch it and set it free.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Another Round of News!!!

So much for being good about posting more often!!! The SDA has posted the list of November appointments. We're not going in November, but we're probably going in early December. We are very excited for those that will be traveling in November. We can't wait to hear their stories. I don't want to post our registration number, but based on the ending number for November early December will most likely be when we travel.

We're very excited about the prospect of going then. The timing would be perfect for us. I just can't express in words how perfect the timing will be! Bill and I are elated. We're anticipating early December, so we've got to get busy! I counted 6 weeks until then. I have a huge to do list. I'm going to get started on it this weekend. I've been slowly picking away at it, but I need to start moving a little faster! We may have only a couple weeks notice and I don't want us to be too caught off guard.

We just can't believe that life will be dramatically different in a couple of months. By the end of the year, we could be parents to two maybe three little angels! Amazing! Hopefully, I will be better in the coming weeks about posting about our progress!